Tell me your favorite Dark Romance line, and I’ll tell you who you are

Alright secsi witches, time for a new personality test for readers! (Especially ROMANCE READERS) Tell me your favorite Dark Romance quote, and I’ll tell you who you are. You know the drill but, in case you don’t, here it is: Read the lines below and decide which one speaks to you within a few seconds. Which one sits right? Only after the decision fell, read the interpretations below. Have fun!

  1. You’re mine
  2. Who did this to you?
  3. Touch her and you die
  4. Good girl
  1. You’re mine – you’re a person who has had to earn pretty much everything in life, from money to your loved ones’ attention and affection; to you, relationships can be hard work; you are often expected to be in control; expressing your emotional needs may have been labeled as frivolous by important others in the past; deep down, you have a need to be loved without having to earn the love; typical for independent women; you need a partner that you can admire and that you can rely on;  someone who will allow you to “rest”, relinquish control, and still be safe; you’re someone who feels most valuable when being desired beyond rhyme or reason, to the point where it doesn’t even make sense to common sense; the more anchored and dependable you are in real life, the more scandalous to modernity your deepest desires; you yearn to be loved for what you are, not for what you do; you may fantasize about a partner who watches you while you sleep; great need for a feeling of belonging, but that one wa obvious, right? Values a partner finds in you: you’re intense, dedicated, can be clingy, insecure, can become toxic;
  2. Who did this to you? – the stronger a front you put to the world, the deeper the underlying fear you had to experience in the past; the fear may well still be there, you just learned to love it, like with chronic pain; you may harbor and unconscious need for revenge, especially against someone from your close family circle; may feel guilty for some of your more violent impulses and tendencies; duplicity in emotions; trauma – an event that you may not consciously remember; need to reconnect to parts of yourself from which you dissociated; feeling of loneliness; you vet a person’s dedication to you based on their willingness to take risks for you; you would remain forever loyal to someone like this, even if they are toxic, because you believe this is so good, there’s no way you can find better; beware, it’s just a distorted mirror image of what has been taken away from you. The person that you want your partner to be? That’s the part of you that you lost. 
  3. Touch her and you die – there are few things more seductive than a male willing to take on another male for his love; this willingness of the male to make it clear to the world just how valuable you are to him is a great evolutionary sign of commitment; in a world where it is praise-worthy for males not to value and respect females, and the more they can use and discard the merrier, where many men are ashamed to be in love, someone who puts their feelings on display in such a violent way is someone to take seriously; you are emotionally and sexually stimulated by the archetype of the protector–but you probably already knew that; the more interesting part is that you often play the role of the protector yourself for the people you love; you may have put yourself in dangerous situations in the past to protect your mother or a younger sibling; you may have witnessed a close family member being abused; a feeling of powerlessness pervaded your childhood; what you need is a sense of recovering your power; the paradox in all this is that you’re probably the strongest person you know; nothing can knock you down; what a partner finds in you – you would worship at the feet of someone who makes you feel protected; you’d put them on a pedestal, put your rose-colored glasses on, and see them in a way that will make them feel great about themselves; that may be your superpower;
  4. Good girl – relationships must give you a feeling of reward; you live to please your partner; you have the nurturing kind of love that many people find highly seductive; you must be careful though because it also makes you a preferred target for predators; you’re a giver, so you attract takers; you tend to interpret an emotionally unavailable man as a serious man, which often gets you engaged in fruitless chasing; you may put your emotional needs on the last place, or even silence them for the benefit of others; you may do things that you are later not proud of in order to gain a lover’s attention and praise; you may even step on your moral standards and principles; you’re so forgiving, it’s almost angelic; a spiritual person; empathetic; has a direct line to loved ones’ emotions; may have the gift of foresight.

Enjoyed this? Check out Personality Tests for Readers for plenty more and FOLLOW to be notified with every new test. Until then, enjoy the Dark Romances you find on the site! Let these dark and dangerous book boyfriends love you well 🙂 

Tell me what you read, and I’ll tell you who you are.

Let me be upfront about it – this psychology personality test based on what you read is for readers of romance, and it’s based on a number of romance subgenres. From Dark Romance to Fantasy to Small Town Romance and Historical, whether you’re into emotional rollercoaster rides or dark and twisted relatiops, whether you prefer morally gray heroes or dragons, your preferences are going to reveal things about yourself. If you are a reader of romance, this test is for you. I have planned a series of videos like this, but if you are in for more personality tests right now, HERE are the ones I drew up before I started with the video.

Okay, ready? Click on the picture below, and see what your favorite subgenre of romance says about you. Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel to be notified every time a new video comes up.

Tell me what you read, and I’ll tell you who you are. A new personality test by Ana Calin.

You like to read? Great. You’re a booktoker? Even better! Look at the covers and blurbs below, and tell me which one of these four books you would buy if you had to choose. Remember! Even if multiple books appeal to you, you have to pick ONE. Take a deep breath, and try to make that decision from your gut, without letting your mind interfere. That way, we’ll know the choice you make is purely authentic. So here we go—Tell me what you’d read, and I’ll tell you who you are.

Are you ready to enter into a new realm?

Fight for survival in the deadly gladiator Fae Games.

I shifted into a saber-toothed tiger…but that was just the beginning.
Jax, Cobra, and Ascher are now my teammates.
Once again, we’re fighting for our lives. And our futures.
But nothing is as it seems, and for every secret we uncover, another unfolds.

Under the spiteful watch of Xerxes and the evil Fae Queen, it’s not clear we’re going to survive.
Can we work together? Or will we implode?

One thing is for sure, I’m about to uncover my destiny.

Power is in my veins.

I spent most of my life feeling dead inside — until I met Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.

It wasn’t until Pan and Neverland that I finally felt alive.

But things are not all full of magic and sunlight on the island. There’s something darker and more sinister haunting the forest.

And worse, the fae queen and Captain Hook are ready to fight for control of Neverland and they will stop at nothing to get what they want.

War is brewing—can the Never King get his shadow back and assume his rightful throne? And if he does, where will I fit?

Or will all of Neverland be in jeopardy right along with my dark, twisted heart?

I could save him, but he would ruin me.

The beast.
The creature that stalks the forbidden wood.
The dragon prince.

He has suffered a fate worse than death. We all have. A curse put upon us by the mad king.

We are a kingdom locked in time. Shifters unable to feel our animals. Stuck here by a deal between the late king and a demon who seeks our destruction.

The only one keeping this kingdom alive is Nyfain, the golden prince to a stolen throne. The last dragon shifter.

He’s our hope.
He’s my nightmare.

When he catches me trespassing in the forbidden wood, he doesn’t punish me with death, as he’s entitled.

He takes me, instead. Forces me back to the castle as his prisoner. Seeks to use me.

Apparently, I can save him. I can save the whole forgotten kingdom, locked away by the demon king’s power.

But it would mean taming the monster beneath his skin. It would mean giving myself to him.

Let me tell you a secret – Dracula had a brother. This is true. They called him Radu the Handsome, but his beauty was deceiving, and it hid a deadly secret…

With high ambitions as a journalist, Juliet Jochs travels to the Carpathians to investigate a mysterious and unnaturally beautiful prince. She suspects that he’s a dangerous man, and that this mission may cost her life. But, as the prince’s masks begin to peel off, she fears she may lose her sanity. Prince Radek’s dark powers suck Juliet into a whirl of hypnotic desire—no woman has ever resisted his lures. She must keep her head above the water if she is to save herself, run away and not look back before he consumes her completely. But can she resist opening the last door to his most terrible secret?


One thing is for sure—you’re fearless. You know that life isn’t fair, and expecting it to be is purely frivolous from your point of view. You’re highly intelligent, Machiavellian even when need be. You don’t make ruthless decisions lightly, but when necessity arises, you don’t back away from what needs to be done. You can be quiet, but you’re also powerful. You’re probably the one who takes action when everybody else freezes. You like to be loved and desired, but you also need freedom. You have many talents, whether of intellectual or athletic nature, but, in order to use those talents as sharply as you need to, you require space. You may not be ready to offer it in return, though. And let’s face it—There are times when you like to be smothered, because you love extremes like that. (PS: you should probably kick the habit of checking your significant other’s phone).

If anyone knows about inner demons and the power of their torment, it’s you. You’ve learned to tame them better than most people, but that sure took one heck of a toll on you. You can be the most quiet person in the room, but also the most dangerous. If people knew what’s going through your head sometimes, chills would run down their spine. You’re sort of like the vigilante of the inner world. There’s no place too dark for you, nothing where you’re afraid to delve. You’ve seen multiple faces of evil, and you’re always ready for a new one. Your love is deep and kind of twisted, and that’s the kind of love you like to get in return. One of the titles I would choose for you is “surgeon of the soul.”

You are the most profound romantic at heart! Erudite and with refined tastes, you have a fascination for all things ancient, as well as respect for the wisdom of the ages. In a fantasy story, you’d probably be the guardian of dangerous secrets (Let’s be honest here, you probably already safeguard quite a few secrets of your closest friends. People tend to tell you stuff because they find deep understanding in you, and you never judge). You could make a great therapist. You love beauty and tragedy all in one.

You can’t resist a dark mystery, especially when it comes with the promise of romance just as dark. You’re into secrets and mysteries, but the climax needs to be worthwhile. You’ll probably rarely ever read a murder mystery because, to you, it’s not whodunnit that matters, but WHY they dunnit. You like quiet, reserved people with an aura of shadow and power. People whose love and trust are hard to earn, but once you earn them, they’re dependable. You’re obsessive in love, and you like to be loved obsessively in return. With you, it’s all or nothing. A relationship with you is all consuming, but so darn worth it.

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out more of my Personality Tests here, and please! Don’t shy away from sharing with your friends. If you know someone who’d like this, tell them about it. As for me, I always love to hear from you. Leave me a comment and tell me what you’ve got. My result is in the comments. (P.S. Long Live cover artists and blurb masters!)

What makes people attracted to you? A Personality Test by Ana Calin

NEW Personality Test by Ana Calin

Please take a deep breath, relax, and look at the covers below. Take a few seconds to listen to your innermost self. Try not to take more than five seconds, to make sure you stay honest with yourself before your thoughts start playing tricks on you. It’s important to keep your mind as quiet as possible to feel the truth. Ready? Which character/cover/title do you feel more attracted to? See the results below (DO NOT peek before you’ve made your choice!) Please share your result, you know I always love to hear from you.


You have a very rich inner world. Your strength in a relationship lies in the imaginative and fantasy-rich sides you can put on it. Living with you can be like living in a world of wonders. With you, your partner can experience things they’ve never dreamt of before. You need stimulation in a relationship, that’s often what feeds your imagination. You have to feel your partner is worth it. Still, you probably made peace with the fact that your ideal partner will remain just that—an ideal; but you certainly know how to become your partner’s fantasy, and that is one of your core strengths.

Your ideal partner is mysterious, dangerous, profound, intellectual. You’re profound yourself, and your needs are sophisticated. You need intensity in your relationships, and you offer it in return. You have a vast and interesting mind, and enjoy long and deep discussions. You’re attracted to a partner that can mesmerize you, and you can be quite mesmerizing, too. You can create addiction in a partner, to you, your essence, your relationship, but beware! You’re susceptible to the same.

There’s something about the bad guy you just find irresistible. You might attract the predatory kind of partners. But there’s another side to that coin. You can make your tormenter dependent on you. You can sort of embody the perfect emotional victim. You can be quite manipulative in your responses, giving this kind of bad boy exactly what he needs. You have an instinctive understanding of what this kind of people need, emotionally, and you know how to exploit that. But beware! There is a great danger to all this. These predators are usually apt at taking without truly giving anything.

You’re seriously into protector vibes. There’s a vulnerability and sensitivity about you that’s quite precious. You’re dedicated and nurturing when you fall in love, you’re all about The Other. Very protective of your (future) children. You’re generous, giving, honest in your feelings. You’re loyal, and you need stability. You like the idea of family, of starting one with the partner of your dreams, of putting down roots. Your strength in a partnership is loyalty, reliability, you’re a good family person. You like a splash of danger in your protector-type lover, and that points that you might have an anxious nature.

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Tell me which bad boy you prefer, and I’ll tell you who you are

Time for a NEW personality test based on your favorite books, covers and characters, loves. As always, please don’t peek at the answers before you make your decision. Look at the covers and captions below (it’s important to consider the captions!), and decide which one speaks to you most. Ready? Here we go.

Ice fae king holding you captive.

Deal with the devil. He’ll make your deepest desire come true – for the tiny little price of your soul.

Vampire king with an obsessive need for your blood.

Celebrity vampire stalking you.


  1. (Lord of Winter). You have powerfully developed fantasy, and you crave a partner that is superior to you in that regard. That is often hard to come by. You love beauty, and may have certain dreams about how your ideal lover should look like. You need someone strong that can dominate you. If you have to choose between a love story and a life story, you will most probably choose the first. To you, a relationship without passion is not worth it. To you, there’s no point to stability and safety if your heart isn’t aroused in the only way that matters – through intensity and passion. Of course, that is also the kind of love that you offer, and will take nothing less in return.
  2. (Mister Dark). You don’t shy away from risk in matters of the heart. You’re definitely not afraid to play with fire, and you’ve probably done it often enough that you’ve learnt some stunts around it, too. A relationship with you is an adventure, often a rollercoaster ride. You can sure offer your partner some powerful sensations. It takes a daredevil to be with you, and some serious amount of Dark and Dangerous to get you going; a queen of the night at heart, whoever takes a chance on you is in for pleasant, electric surprises.
  3. (Prince of Blood). You’re not gonna believe this, but at heart, you’re the princess that every prince dreams of saving. You’re pretty traditional in matters of your heart’s desires, not trying to be original or pretending to want something else just for the sake of being “different” or “interesting” or even woke. You’re very clear about what you want and yes, it’s the vampire that craves your blood, because that means he’ll never want another woman besides you. What you crave most in a relationship is complete dedication. You would give up anything for a partner that can persuade you that you’re the apple of his eye. Problem is, you’re not very easy to persuade of that, are you? Your needs in order to feel emotionally safe are extreme, even if your demands might not be. You have no desire for freedom.
  4. (The Porcelain Prince). Let’s be honest here, you have a thing for painful relationships, don’t you? Maybe unrequited loves? But enough about the dark side of your emotional nature. You crave excitement in your love relationships, and periodically you need renewal. Stability? Yeah, it’s nice but not necessarily what you’re after. What you want is emotional stimulation. Having the undeterred attention of the one person you’re crazy about is your favorite way of feeling alive. It’s your own personal kind of high. To you, love should be something you can get drunk on, the one emotion that should replace any drug. You probably think that, if people had the love lives they truly craved, no one would turn to destructive substances. Of course, love can turn toxic and destructive too, but you probably think it’s worth it. Considering that you offer what you expect, you might be right, too.

Liked this? Check out the books in question, and it will be practically be like reading about yourself. Also, feel free to roam the site. THIS page has a wealth of personality tests for you to choose from, and please—let me know what you get. I’m super curious like that.

What is your secret Sin?

NEW Personality Test by Ana Calin

Okay loves, same as all the tests before. Please DO NOT peek at the answers before you’ve taken a good look at the images, and taken your pick regarding which one speaks to you most! Look at the book covers below, and let your gut insitinct decide which one is The One to you. Try not to think about the answer, but feel it instead. So here we go:

Toxic – your secret sin is Lust. But hold on. You’re not only a lustful person, you’re also quite good at igniting lust yourself. If you’re not experienced in deed, you’re rich in fantasy, and you feel things on a  very deep level. When you trust a lover, you can reveal sides of yourself that they can become highly addicted to. There are probably only two types of people out there – those who fear to get too close, and those that are attracted like a moth to flame, unable to resist your innate magnetism. Because there is a magnetism about you that either freaks people out, or pulls them in.

Scarred – your secret sin is Pride. But wait. That also means that you are royally generous, you care about the needs of those you love, and you are fiercely loyal. Yes, you’re particularly sensitive to humiliation, but you’re also dependable, you never tire of finding creative ways to help and lift up those you love, not to mention you have a gift for bringing luck, good fortune and good vibes into your loved ones’ lives. You invest yourself completely in your relationships, and you’re particularly hurt when the other party holds back. You go all in. There are few people in the world more dedicated than you, but probably also few that have been betrayed worse than you.

Ward – your secret sin is Greed. But there are two sides to that coin. You may be demanding, and your expectations soaring, but you’re also highly artistic, you have a way of enchanting people, and those that get tangled in the web of your charms rarely ever find their way back out. You’re interesting, and probably compelling and fascinating. You see shades and hues to things that others can’t, and you’re often disappointed and impatient with other people’s shortsightedness. Mathematical and analytical types are offensive to you through their crudeness. You appreciate good style, not only on the outside, but also in matters of inner life and intellectual abilities.

Forbidden Fae – your secret sin is Escapism. But there’s more to that than meets the eye. You may have a soft spot for forbidden fruit stories, which probably caused you a lot of pain in your love life. You have very rich imagination, and quite the ability to picture things in your head as if you would live them out in reality. Deep down, you could harbor the secret conviction that those fantasies could actually happen. You have a fascinating inner world, and people gravitate towards you because there’s something irresistibly intriguing about you, no matter what you look like. Still, it may rarely be the people you want. You tend to dream about what you can’t have. Be careful that it doesn’t become a psychological issue.  

Liked this? Let me know in the comments, I always love to hear from you.

Tell me which quote speaks to you, and I’ll tell you who you are

NEW Personality test by Ana Calin.

Okay, ladies and gents, you know the drill. No peeking at the interpretation before you’ve read the quotes, and let your gut decide which one speaks to you most. Try not to think about the answer, but feel it instead. So here we go:

Which of the following sentences holds true for you

  1. “To improve is to change. To be perfect is to change often.” Winston Churchill
  2. “Only the wisest and stupidest of men never changes.” Confucius
  3. “The problem with a life spent reading is you know too much.” Josh Lanyon
  4. “Never miss a good chance to shut up.” Will Rogers


  1. You are a dynamic person, future-oriented. Your level of ambition is very high. You’re interested in new developments, and you’re probably an early adopter in matters of technology, too. You’re curious and inquisitive by nature, and you might be talented in fields such as journalism and detective work, even science. Competent, determined, energetic. Undeterred. Hard on yourself but lenient with others, except maybe with your partner after many years of being together.  
  2. People who know you might refer to you as a wise old soul. You’re probably an intellectual even if you didn’t study long. Despite your knowledge of many things (you have a diverse wealth of knowledge), you could be rigidly set in your ways. You believe in the deep wisdom of tradition, in the complexities and value of experience. You may be resistant to new things, and consider many modern developments frivolous. You do have some kind of mystical access to ancestral wisdom through your appreciation of nature and of the entire chain of planetary evolution.
  3. You often feel like part of an “elite”, and you may sometimes discard other people’s opinions because you feel they don’t have the intellectual basis to emit them. Put simply, you can get a little judgy. But that happens mostly because you’ve often been praised for your intellectual prowess, when you emitted an opinion you’ve often been right, and you’ve been blessed with a taste for intellectual pleasures. You tend to live more in the mind than in the heart, but that doesn’t affect your well-developed capacity for compassion. You’re interested in people and what makes them tick, and you like developing theories, which are often well-articulated and viable.
  4. You have a very rare quality—you’re a good observer. In fact, a good career choice for you could be that of a spy. You pick up on the most inconspicuous details, and you’re usually spot on about their interpretation, too. You’re a silent, but powerful opponent. You’re probably mysterious and compelling, and people are drawn to you. A strategist. Tough, methodical. Very patient. In a thriller, you would probably be the silent character who turns out was the villain all along. But once someone wins your loyalty, you’re there for life. You’re one of the most reliable people out there, and you have qualities that are truly very hard to find.

Liked this? Let me know in the comments, I always love to hear from you.

What does it feel like to be loved by you? What kind of lover do you attract? A personality test by Ana Calin.

NEW personality test by Ana Calin. Be warned – this one is for dark, complex souls.  It’s one of those articles in which we’re exploring our demons (you know, because that’s what I do all day writing sexy shifters, vampires and fae princes). So here we go.

Please read the following sentences and decide without much thought, within a few seconds, which one holds truest for you. Try to feel the answer rather than think it, and please, do NOT even peek at the interpretations before you’ve made your decision.

  1. I’ve been spending my life waiting for a drop of tenderness.
  2. True love isn’t a sweet delight, it’s a decadent pleasure.
  3. I take my love stories with a bed of roses and a dash of poison.
  4. There’s no crueler hell than unrequited love.


  1. Yours is a bottomless soul with a tragic story. You were probably subjected to emotional abuse in your early life. You might be prone to develop the Stockholm Syndrome. Your love stories are profound, but they always have an element of pain to them. It’s that element of pain that attracts you, and that makes you attractive. You might be inclined to create victim-abuser scenarios. Try reading villain romances, bully romances, you might like them. You love a bully if you feel he is a hurt soul in need of rescue.
  2. Your love stories are probably toxic and glamorous, which is why you might be highly addictive to your partners. You love hard, but you hate even harder. You tend to take matters into your hands, and you probably go after the men or women you like, too. You’re mentally very robust, but you can still go stalkerish on your love interests. Your lovers are either so affected by you they can never forget you, or they run away from an intensity they can’t handle. You simply burn too hot for them.
  3. You might be slightly (or seriously) masochistic, and here I don’t necessarily mean your sensual preferences, even though those could be as interesting and elegantly twisted as your personality. You’re interested in sophisticated and demanding lovers that challenge you on multiple levels, helping you grow. You’re most probably that kind of lover, too. You know how to make your SO feel special, but you can crush them, too. You don’t mind being the one crushed either, because to you, that is sometimes the price of a love story that’s worth living.
  4. You are a natural giver. Your love is like a deep, mysterious ocean that yet hides more sorrow than golden treasure. You have a tendency to fall in love with emotionally unavailable people, or may have an attraction towards forbidden love scenarios. You may have a subconscious pattern of putting yourself in painful situations. Subconsciously, you may fetishize being emotionally mistreated. It’s very possible that you have deep-seated worthiness issues. You may gravitate towards people who seem indifferent to you in an effort to feed your self-deprecating self-image. But make no mistake—being loved by you is like being cradled by ocean waves; it’s a one of a kind experience.

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Also, if you’re in the mood for a romance as dark and creamy as chocolate with sexy demons, vampires, fae and shifters, check out this page. It’s got over thirty titles that might be just the kind of entertainment you need tonight. I always love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to leave me a comment, share what you think.

Personality Test – Discover Yourself Book Covers 1

Okay luv, here’s the drill: Look at the four book covers displayed and, without peeking at the answers below (this is really important!) decide which one of these images feels closest to your heart. (I only included the book descriptions as a helping tool, in case you need the gist of the story in order to decide.) Try to make your choice from the gut and not from the head. The cover that speaks to you might be the one you least expect. Doesn’t matter. Let your gut choose. It would be very helpful if you decided on your answer in the first fifteen seconds. So here we go: Which one of the following book covers hits home for you?

Zepp Hunt wasn’t the king of Dayton high school. He was the top of the food chain. And I was next in line to be dragged into the lion’s den. At least that’s what he thought… Good girls wanted to tame him. Bad girls wanted to be tainted by him. Everyone bowed down to him. And me? I hated Zeppelin Hunt with every fiber of my being. Which was why I stayed away from the arrogant bad boy with tattoos and a rap sheet. Until I couldn’t. Until we traded favors, and I owed him three months of my life. I never thought I would end up in his bed, and when I did, I had to remind myself that he hated me as much as I hated him. Until I didn’t. Zepp Hunt was no prince, and I absolutely refused to be his damsel in distress…

I came back to Forsyth and agreed to be their Lady for two reasons: protection and revenge.

I put up with the abuse, the degradation, the humiliation, and bided my time. I wanted vengeance and I took it. The Lords give as good as they get and the consequences were fierce, but there’s one truth when it comes to Killian, Dimitri and Tristian.

They keep what’s theirs.

They wanted to break me, but instead, they molded me into their perfect weakness. They fought for me. Bled for me. Championed for me. I was put through the gauntlet and came out stronger. I earned the title of Lady.

Then they became my weakness.

I agreed to sleep under their roof, but on my terms. No more rules, no more punishments, no cameras or dress codes or sneaking into my bedroom. In return, I’ll give them a chance to earn the title of Lord.

Building trust takes time, but with all the threats nipping at our heels, that’s a luxury we don’t have. We have to rely on one another despite our complicated pasts—to find a murderer, a stalker, and a traitor.

This new life of pain, wrath, and mercy is a confusing maze of twists and turns. Fortunately for us, there will always be one fixed constant, guiding us home:

He wants revenge, but he wants her more.

Once upon a time, there was a little boy.
His belly full of laughter, his life full of joy.
Until one day, something changed; stripped his innocence away.
The hole inside making space for the devil to come and play.
His dreams gone forever, he grew up way too fast.
An endless night of crocodiles, and watches made of glass.
He grew into a villain, the taste of vengeance on his tongue.
Craving to make his enemies pay for the misdeeds they had done.
Instead he found a darling girl, and refused to let her go.
For what better way to make the man pay, than to steal his little shadow.

He is Dracula’s son. They call him Michael the Bad because the only thing that matches his wicked good looks is his vicious nature. Every creature in the London underground knows better than to cross him, but Angelique Serrano didn’t get the memo. Now he’s got a score to settle with her. But will he do it when he realizes that she’s the key to destroying his oldest and most dangerous enemy?

If you chose NO PRINCE

You are firmly anchored in reality, and that might have turned you a bit cynical, but it doesn’t mean you’ve lost your ability to believe in the positive. Depression and hopelessness may come forth in your life as they do in most people’s lives, but you draw on inner reservoires of power that most of us don’t even dream of. You have the strength to stand up to bullies, even though you may not know it yet (depending on your age and life experience). Your life meaning could include that of a savior (don’t do anything stupid, like facing up to big bad guys without proper back-up!), counselor, social worker, psychologist or nurse. If you really want to, you can twist bad boys on your little finger. Anger could be a benefic emotion for you, provided you learn to harness it in a positive way. Anger gives you fuel. You can put up a strong front if you want to, and your powerful personality could crush just anybody, but deep down, you would like to be dominated – but only by someone who’s up to the task. If you’re mature, you put the candidates through hell before they earn that right.

If you chose LORDS OF MERCY:

You’ve often felt used in your life. You’ve grown accustomed to it to a certain point, but when things go too far, you do get triggered. Be careful, you might have a proclivity to fall in love with emotionally unavailable people. Trouble is, deep down you don’t believe you are worthy of love. But that comes with an upside. You’re capable of depth and empathy that goes way beyond what most people are capable of. In the star sign language, your energy is very pisces or scorpionic in nature. You can be bitter and vindictive, and an oppnent to be reckoned with. If you want to, you know how to make people take you seriously. You’re capable of violence. Believe it or not, you’d make a good soldier, provided you’re kept motivated, and you strongly believe in the cause – which is pretty hard to do. You’re rarely convinced of the legitimacy of a cause. You rarely trust enough to get attached but, when you do, you’re capable of extreme loyalty. You can be abrasive on the outside, but once someone gets to the deeper layers of your personality, the rewards are abundant.

If you chose HOOKED:

You have a highly inquisitive nature. You like all things dark and hidden, and you might feel compulsive about solving mysteries and discovering secrets. You’re highly intelligent and creative – even though you might prefer deciphering the creations of others than creating your own stuff. You’ll follow a task to the bitter end, sooner or later. You might not solve things immediately, but you always get around to bringing every open issue in your life to a close. Poetic and sophisticated, you either fascinate or intimidate people. You can be very alluring if you choose to. You’re sharp-minded, and you have the endurance to see a project through (especially if some kind of mystery is involved to keep you going). A particular perk of yours is that you can make people feel comfortable and accomodated. You give them space to be themselves (not always without quietly judging them, you’re not Mother Theresa, but you do have an innate understanding of human needs, and of how to put people in a mood that will give you what you want from them).


You could have an addictive personality, which is a double-edged sword – you can become an addict, but you can create addictions as well. You never give up on your dreams, even though you might tell yourself you have. No matter whether you’re thirteen or thirty or sixty-five, whatever you haven’t yet accomplished in life (especially on the romantic front), you still believe, deep down, your time will come. You have good intuition. Your gut rarely ever failed you. You might harbor a special reverance for ‘the good old days’, drawing wisdom and strength from tradition. You like things sleek and elegant, and you might also like control. You can spot lies easily. In terms of partners, you might choose the cold and reserved person over the popular and fun one, simply because they inspire you more stability. You trust their decision to be with you long term, and that they are not as easily swayed as most people. Physical appearance only matters in terms of, ‘there’s something special about this person that I can’t really put my finger on, but I’d jump their bones twenty-four seven.’ You might be attracted to weird people.

Liked this? Plenty more where this personality test came from. Explore the Discover Yourself section of this site, and you’ll find an abundant trove of personality tests. Also, don’t forget to like and comment if you enjyoed this post, and let me know what you’ve got. I’m mega curious!

What does your Type of Guy say about you?


Hey, time for a new personality quiz! Enjoy it to the max!

The small decisions that we make, the things that we like and dream about, even the tastes that we enjoy, speak volumes about us. Our smallest preferences have surprisingly much to say about our personality. Often, these can reveal things we didn’t even suspect about ourselves—strengths, weaknesses, but particularly, what makes us special. If you’re anything like me, namely a Romance, Netflix and Hollywood lover,  let’s look at our type hero today.

Please take a deep breath, relax, look at the four pictures, and decide which one of these four categories of heroes appeals to you most. It’s very important that the decision you make is honest, and NOT thought through. So do not overthink it, let your decision come naturally, in no more than 10 seconds. Ready? Here we go : )




You have a love of beauty, which is only a mirror for what is inside you. Wait! Before you roll your eyes, know this—you’re more attractive to people than you think you are. The reason you don’t see it anymore is because someone or something stole it from you once, but that’s another story. You’re capable of a rare emotion—true admiration. When you love someone, you probably show it by doing things for them; it’s important to you to feel useful, and you usually become indispensible in the lives of those you care about. You quickly become deeply loved. You have a sweetness of heart that may lead some shady personalities to take advantage of you, but even they come to hang emotionally on you.

Vampire/Sexy Demon:

You’re one of intense passions. On the outside, you may seem calm and tame, but on the inside, you live dangerously. Your love can become obsession, but also addiction. You may be a fantastic kisser, and once you’ve got your special someone’s attention, you can become like a drug. You like intense people like yourself and, while there may be a dose of narcissism in there, it’s the good kind—you have tons to offer, and you know it. Love with you is a crazy ride of emotional stimulation. There’s no settling for a mediocre relationship for you, it’s ride or die.

Bad Boy/Mafia Boss:

Yes, it does mean the obvious, that you get your kicks from taming the bad boy, but it also means that you have the b***s to do it. You’re attracted to taming, because you got what it takes. You’re very sensual, and there’s no depth or darkness that you wouldn’t dare dive into. There’s no secret too dirty, nothing you will judge. Actually, you are wonderfully non-judgmental, even if doesn’t always look that way. Deep down, you do like to be controlled, and you might even enjoy some bondage. When you let go, enjoying your sexuality without caring what it looks like to your partner, you become hypnotizing to behold. He will come back for more.

Dark Billionaire:

Your choosing the billionaire doesn’t mean by far what some people would think. It does mean that you have a strong need for security, yes (because you most probably went through some serious sh*t in your life, stuff that most people can’t even imagine), but it also means you’re fiercely loyal, supportive even when there’s no hope left, and particularly comforting to be around. You’re a grateful person by nature, and have a sunny disposition despite a life story that could bring many to shudder. Rich life experience, people love talking to you and asking for your advice.

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section for more, and join my Facebook group Addicted to Romance for more interesting stuff. Looking forward to seeing you there,



What do your Mirrors say about You?

Take a look at the mirror images, and decide which one you resonate best with. Please do not take more than 15 seconds to make your decision; it’s important that you make this decision with your subconscious rather than conscious mind, because it will ensure that you get the right result. So here we go:

Which of the following mirrors do you resonate best with?




Mirror 1

If you chose Mirror 1, you are a person of mystery, and your elusive secretive nature can often entice others. Your own depths can sometimes scare you, but they are like quickstand that can ignite others’ fantasies and curiosity. You may be a good listener, and talk rather little, unless you have a relationship of deep trust with the person. You can be magnetic and intriguiging, like the dark side of the moon. Others can see you like the forbidden fruit.

Mirror 2

If your choice is Mirror 2, you are deeply imaginative, and you can communicate in an engaging way. You have a beautiful inner world like a clear well that others long to drink from. You have a generally good disposition, and you’re naturally in love with life. If ever depressed, you tend to look for a way out instead of lingering in a state of discontent and talking endlessly about it. Yougive people joy, and they love having you in their lives. Pure-hearted and exuberant, you inspire people joy of life.

Mirror 3

If you resonate with Mirror 3 best, the you’re a rather realistic and logical person. You can keep a cool head even though you do have a rich inner life. You’re well-structured, and you’re inclined toweards building durable things. You’re not big on fleeting emotions and sensations. Inner life is more important than appearances, and you’re the type of person people can see as the perfect wife or husband. Your inner world is classy and elegant. You project the aura of a high-value, sometimes intellectual partner.

Mirror 4

If you’re drawn to Mirror 4, you’re a naturally inquisitve person. You have deep insights into the psychology of people, and your intuition leads you to discover old secrets and wounds that have long been buried. You may be a good detective, and almost impossible to fool. You may be highly intelligent, but also a  skeptic. You may often feel trapped in your own life, which can make you a difficult romantic partner, but there are people who feel attracted to that. It is advisable to refrain from working your inner demons through the person who loves you, even though they may often feel quite fascinated with you and your exquisite intellect.


Enjoyed this? Check out more personality tests here, and stay tuned for more! Wish you a fantastic Christmas, filled with joy, light, and happiness!



Tell me your story, and I’ll tell you who you are – personality test

Tell me your Story, and I’ll tell you who you are. Looking forward to see what you get! As always, please take a look at the book descriptions below – at first there is no cover, no title, only the description of the book. You’ll discover title and cover at the end of the post, after you’ve gotten your interpretation.

Which of the stories described below do you feel resonates with you best? The titles will be revealed at the end, along with the interpretation of your choice – what it says about your hidden personality. Make sure you read the descriptions and make your choice before you scroll down to the interpretations, titles and covers. Enjoy!

  1. The Moonstone, a yellow diamond looted from an Indian temple and believed to bring bad luck to its owner, is bequeathed to Rachel Verinder on her eighteenth birthday. That very night the priceless stone is stolen again and when Sergeant Cuff is brought in to investigate the crime, he soon realizes that no one in Rachel’s household is above suspicion.
  2. A scientist creates a life, and is later horrified by what he has created. The tale begins with letters from Captain Walton as he journeys Northward to undiscovered lands. There, in the frozen wastelands of the North, Walton encounters scientist Victor and hears the strange sequence of events that lead the poor scientist doctor to those remote reaches of the earth. The Doctor’s tale is strange indeed, and explores the limitations of human knowledge while showing, through the fact that he’d created a monster, the way in which evil is created and how knowledge we’re unprepared for can destroy us.
  3. When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. But will they be able to resist each other until the end?
  4. A journalist rewrites history to satisfy the demands of the Ministry of Truth. With each lie he writes, the journalist grows to hate the Party that seeks power for its own sake and persecutes those who dare to commit thought crimes. But as he starts to think for himself the journalist can’t escape the fact that Big Brother is always watching. . .
  5. Thrown in prison for a crime he has not committed, Edmond Dantes is confined to the grim fortress of If. There he learns of a great hoard of treasure hidden on the Isle of Monte Cristo and he becomes determined not only to escape, but also to unearth the treasure and use it to plot the destruction of the three men responsible for his incarceration.


  1. Your mind is healthy, sharp, but you also possess the depth of the philosopher. A problem-solver while also a lover of good wine, so to say, you have a well-balanced take and outlook on life. Unbalancing you is hard to achieve, but you must be wary of the cunning.
  2. You have been plagued by a feeling of inadequacy. Often seeing yourself as an anomaly, often baffled by what you discover in your own depths, you have come to often fear yourself. You may feel you lack control over your inner life and even your actions. Fascinating, compelling, and emotionally dangerous.
  3. You need a positive outlook on life. While you’re sociable, a laugher, a strong shoulder and a rock of stability in the middle of the ocean, you’re not as unshakable as you seem. Positivity is as much a need of yours as it is your quality. You have wonderful energy, but you must beware of energy vampires. You’re a romantic and an idealist.
  4. You like to be well-informed, you gather the facts, and then you manufacture theories. You trust your sixth sense and your judgment because they’re based on true knowledge. Your keen gaze often penetrates the façade, and you might even have quite a temper. You may be feared and respected, but you must beware of powerful enemies.
  5. You’re an idealist to the marrow, a lover and a fighter and free spirit. You have a beautiful mind that begs to be discovered. People probably navigate to you because you are a “pleasant” person. You have modesty and intelligence. Beware, you might sometimes feel average and “invisible”.

Aaaand, time for revelations:

Title 1 – Your book is “The Moonstone” by Wilkie Collins


Title 2 – Your book is “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley


Title 3 – Your book is “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen


Title 4 – Your book is “1984” by George Orwell

1984 Cover

Title 5 – Your book is “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas


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