One Image. One Word. What does it say about you?

Welcome to a new One Image-One Word personality quiz, in which I’ll gladly interpret each one of your answers.

Take a look at the picture above and share in a comment the first word that comes to your mind. Based on that I’ll get back at you with a few personality traits that word reveals about you in connection with the picture. Thank you in advance for sharing, and I’m looking forward to your comments! 🙂

Pic source.

37 thoughts on “One Image. One Word. What does it say about you?

    1. 🙂 This says about you that the night is a time of regeneration for you, it’s the time when you can truly be yourself. You’re free not only to relax, but also to feel comfortable with yourself and who you are.

    1. This says about you that you’re profound intellectually. You see more than one thing at once, but you’re often elegantly short in expression. You’re intuitive and selective. You like focusing on the essential.

    1. 🙂 This says about you that you have a healthy psyche. You recognize illusion from reality, even though you do enjoy fantasy when you need time out. You make clear difference between the possible and the impossible.

    1. Dear Lydia, this says about you that you’re a nurturing person. Your loved ones are your utmost priority and you enjoy making their lives beautiful. You like being sweet to them and doing things for them.

  1. Hey, Annie 🙂 This means that your “fuel” is dreams of your ideal life. You work to make your desires come true, and you gladly escape to fantasy as a mechanism to cope with reality. You’re grounded in reality, but you believe dreams can come true.

    1. Hi 🙂 Your choice says about you that when you begin to analyze things, your mind first strips the facts of the obvious. Your kind of analysis begins from the outside. You take time to look at the surface, because you feel it has an impact on the core.

    1. Hi, dear Rosie! Your choice shows that you have a healthy psyche. You recognize illusion from reality, even though you do enjoy fantasy when you need time out. You make clear difference between the possible and the impossible.

    1. Dear muse, your choice is very interesting. This says about you that you are very hard to influence. You have a tight grasp on reality. Maybe it’s your heightened sensoric abilities that keep you tightly connected to reality, but you always see to the core of the matter.

      1. Right on the money again, Ana! I never cease to be amazed how you do it. I think it’s this capability that has made me successful in a job that has to look through the fog of assumptions and opinions to find the key and essential facts.

    1. You have a healthy psyche. You recognize illusion from reality, even though you do enjoy fantasy when you need time out. You make clear difference between the possible and the impossible.

    1. This says about you that you’re a mentally mature person. Probably a reliable shoulder for friends and family, and the voice of reason when necessary.

    1. Dear Miriam, this answer is based not only on your choice here, but also on your being Libran and always searching for balance (or harmony): You have balance between your youthful and your adult self, or you strive for it. You try to maintain youthful enthusiasm, and to attain freedom while also committing to your loved ones at the same time.

    1. I don’t know if the word you meant was Princes as in plural of prince or in princess. This would make a difference. Your choice means pride is an important part of your personality. Did you receive the mini-profile? I’d appreciate a short feed-back.

    1. Dear Gary, your choice once again shows you’re a realistic, grounded person. You’re mentally healthy and strong. You may be going through a time now when you’re often tired.

      1. It’s true. I’ve not been feeling 100% after being ill while traveling back from Manila. Sleep is something I’ve been craving.

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