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Personality Test – What do your Anger quotes say about you?

Long time no personality test, so let’s have a special one before we start off into a well-deserved weekend. Since some weeks can be quite demanding (I know mine has been), anger can be unavoidable. So let’s relax, sink into our cushions and explore our subconscious mind to discover what our attitude to Anger says about us.

Read the quotes below – which one represents your feelings about anger?

  1. You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. (Buddha)
  2. Speak when you are angry, and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever get. (Laurence J. Peter)
  3. People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining. (Stephen Hawking)
  4. When I am angry I can pray well and preach well. (Martin Luther)
  5. No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched. (George Jean Nathan)


  1. You know how poisonous anger can be for the soul, you’ve probably experienced this poison quite a few times; you may be a patient person, often kind, but you’ve been in some dark places not everyone experiences in life.
  2. You feel anger is creative; it’s a driving force for you, and you may even seek the feeling when you need a kick; you’re not afraid of anger, you can deal well with it and use it to advantage; you may think that people are more attracted to you when you’re angry.
  3. You’re a positive and probably busy person; you have responsibility and sometimes worry, you deal well with it, but when you unwind you prefer it light and funny; it may get on your nerves when people get too philosophical because it tires you.
  4. Similar to number 2, anger helps you channel your inner strength, which you use to learn and convey lessons; you try to stay humble and grounded; you may be a good influence for the young, and people may come to you for advice.
  5. Reason is high up in your value system; you admire efficiency and cool-headed approaches; you’re open minded and accepting, you may even militate for people’s right to be different and express themselves; you could be an engineer as well as a therapist.

Enjoyed this? Plenty more personality tests here for you to enjoy! I’d love to hear from you in a comment and, to prove my love and appreciation, I’ll keep the personality tests coming next week as well. Stay tuned for a very special next personality quiz on Fear the following days.

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