Tell me which bad boy you prefer, and I’ll tell you who you are

Time for a NEW personality test based on your favorite books, covers and characters, loves. As always, please don’t peek at the answers before you make your decision. Look at the covers and captions below (it’s important to consider the captions!), and decide which one speaks to you most. Ready? Here we go.

Ice fae king holding you captive.

Deal with the devil. He’ll make your deepest desire come true – for the tiny little price of your soul.

Vampire king with an obsessive need for your blood.

Celebrity vampire stalking you.


  1. (Lord of Winter). You have powerfully developed fantasy, and you crave a partner that is superior to you in that regard. That is often hard to come by. You love beauty, and may have certain dreams about how your ideal lover should look like. You need someone strong that can dominate you. If you have to choose between a love story and a life story, you will most probably choose the first. To you, a relationship without passion is not worth it. To you, there’s no point to stability and safety if your heart isn’t aroused in the only way that matters – through intensity and passion. Of course, that is also the kind of love that you offer, and will take nothing less in return.
  2. (Mister Dark). You don’t shy away from risk in matters of the heart. You’re definitely not afraid to play with fire, and you’ve probably done it often enough that you’ve learnt some stunts around it, too. A relationship with you is an adventure, often a rollercoaster ride. You can sure offer your partner some powerful sensations. It takes a daredevil to be with you, and some serious amount of Dark and Dangerous to get you going; a queen of the night at heart, whoever takes a chance on you is in for pleasant, electric surprises.
  3. (Prince of Blood). You’re not gonna believe this, but at heart, you’re the princess that every prince dreams of saving. You’re pretty traditional in matters of your heart’s desires, not trying to be original or pretending to want something else just for the sake of being “different” or “interesting” or even woke. You’re very clear about what you want and yes, it’s the vampire that craves your blood, because that means he’ll never want another woman besides you. What you crave most in a relationship is complete dedication. You would give up anything for a partner that can persuade you that you’re the apple of his eye. Problem is, you’re not very easy to persuade of that, are you? Your needs in order to feel emotionally safe are extreme, even if your demands might not be. You have no desire for freedom.
  4. (The Porcelain Prince). Let’s be honest here, you have a thing for painful relationships, don’t you? Maybe unrequited loves? But enough about the dark side of your emotional nature. You crave excitement in your love relationships, and periodically you need renewal. Stability? Yeah, it’s nice but not necessarily what you’re after. What you want is emotional stimulation. Having the undeterred attention of the one person you’re crazy about is your favorite way of feeling alive. It’s your own personal kind of high. To you, love should be something you can get drunk on, the one emotion that should replace any drug. You probably think that, if people had the love lives they truly craved, no one would turn to destructive substances. Of course, love can turn toxic and destructive too, but you probably think it’s worth it. Considering that you offer what you expect, you might be right, too.

Liked this? Check out the books in question, and it will be practically be like reading about yourself. Also, feel free to roam the site. THIS page has a wealth of personality tests for you to choose from, and please—let me know what you get. I’m super curious like that.

Psychology Facts IV: Did you know that . . .

  1. People are happier when they’re busy. Being busy keeps them optimistic.
  2. Even the illusion of progress motivates people.
  3. 80% of people’s discussions are about what makes them unhappy.
  4. Some experts say that phobias might be memories transferred from generation to generation through the DNA.
  5. Your mind’s natural inclination is to think in symbols. That’s why it’s harder to learn poetry by heart than mentally “record” a movie.
  6. You subconscious mind can’t process negation. Few people know, but your mind doesn’t understand “I don’t understand,” it processes it the other way around. Read more here.
  7. People who laugh more are better able to tolerate pain – both physical and emotional.

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section and have a great time discovering the darkest corners of your personality. I’m always happy to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in a comment, and don’t shy from making suggestions for further posts.

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Psychology CORE FACTS: Did you know that . . .

  1. The lyrics in your favorite song express everything that you struggle to say or express to others?
  2. Usually, the people with the best advice are the ones with the most problems?
  3. If a guy stands with his legs apart while talking to a girl, it means he likes her?
  4. People who speak two languages may unconsciously change their personality when they switch languages?
  5. The most powerful way to win an argument is by asking questions. It can make people see the flaws in their logic?
  6. The way we talk to our children become their inner voice?
  7. People see you as being about 20% more attractive than you think you are?
  8. What we wear affects how we behave?
  9. People are 50% more likely to agree to what you ask them if you speak into their right ear and lightly touch their forearm?
  10. Anger triggers the region of the brain associated with honesty, that’s when the truth comes out?

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section and have a great time discovering the darkest corners of your personality. I’m always happy to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in a comment, and don’t shy from making suggestions for further posts.

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Psychology Facts III: Did you know that . . .


  1. People spend an average of 6 years dreaming?
  2. Babies dream almost the entire time inside the uterus?
  3. Around 12% of people dream only black-and-white?
  4. They say that, if you have dreams that cause you powerful emotions, with luminous and colorful images, it’s possible that they aren’t dreams at all, but out-of-body experiences?
  5. The cells that build up the human brain can store up to 5 times more information than the entire Encyclopedia Britannica?
  6. The brain continues to send signals in the form of electric impulses for approximately 37 hours after death?
  7. If you stare at a person you’re sexually interested in, your pupils involuntarily dilate? The same happens if you stare at a person you hate.
  8. Kissing heals. Research shows that kissing improves the skin, helps blood circulation, prevents cavities and soothes headaches?
  9. Just like fingerprints and snowflakes, lips don’t leave identical marks either?
  10. Praying before meals improves taste and the nutritive properties of food and water? Masaru Emoto, the famous water researcher, has published reports on the subject.

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section and have a great time discovering the darkest corners of your personality. I’m always happy to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in a comment, and don’t shy from making suggestions for further posts.

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Psych Part II: Did you know that …

Psych: Did you know that …

  1. The human brain forgets 80% of what it’s learned in a day?
  2. The music you listen to influences the way you view the world?
  3. Romantic love is only slightly different from the obsessive-compulsive disorder (the purpose of which is to reduce anxiety, and not obtaining pleasure)?
  4. There’s a gene for pessimists that makes them see everything in a bad light?
  5. Spending money on others brings more satisfaction than spending it on yourself?
  6. Communication makes us more intelligent, and enhances memory?
  7. According to the more recent studies, genetics doesn’t really influence the IQ?

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section and have a great time discovering the darkest corners of your personality. I’m always happy to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in a comment, and don’t shy from making suggestions for further posts.

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Psych: Did you know that . . .


  1. Chocolate and booze release the same substances in your body as the feeling of being in love?
  2. People are more honest when they’re tired?
  3. A short hug of only 25 seconds can increase your trust in the person you’re hugging?
  4. People tend to be more logical when they think in a foreign language?
  5. No blind person has ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia?
  6. Your brain registers rejection as pain?
  7. The clearest memories you have are most probably false?
  8. Our unconscious mind is the one that knows and decides first?
  9. People can have close and authentic connections with around 150 other people?
  10. The human brain is more creative when it’s tired?

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section and have a great time discovering the darkest corners of your personality. I’m always happy to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in a comment, and don’t shy from making suggestions for further posts.

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What does your Caption choice say about you?

Take a look at the featured picture and decide – fast – which of the following captions best suits what you FIRST feel when you look at it.

  1. Flower
  2. Love
  3. Red
  4. Petals
  5. Black


  1. Flower – you’re strong through being calculating, cool-headed, grounded; often attractive like a magnet through detached attitude, which comes across as a provocation.
  2. Love – you’re sensitive and strongly empathic, kind but not necessarily vulnerable; often attractive through calm, sweet, accommodating attitude.
  3. Red – you’re temperamental, fiery, and often make an impression as soon as you walk into a place; often attractive through magnificence.
  4. Petals – you’re spiritual, inclined towards philosophy, profound; often attractive through mysterious attitude, velvety gaze.
  5. Black – you’re inclined to the more obscure, deeply buried matters of the human mind and soul; often attractive through being fascinating.

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section and have a great time discovering more and more about the darkest corners of your personality. I’m always happy to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in a comment, and don’t shy from making suggestions for further tests.

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What does your concept of Heaven say about you?

Your inner concept of heaven reveals a whole lot about your most lovable qualities. Please read the statements below regarding Heaven, and decide fast which one resonates with you best. Considering that some of these choices may come across as very “politically desirable,” please make sure you stay bluntly honest with yourself when making the choice.

  1. „A happy family is but an earlier heaven.“ George Bernard Shaw
  2. „The true object of all human life is play; Earth is a task garden; heaven is a playground.“ Gilbert K. Chesterton
  3. “Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.” William Shakespeare
  4. “Trees are Earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.” Rabindranath Tagore
  5. The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.” John Milton


  1. Your altruism is worthy of all praise. Your ability of putting others first makes people crave to be loved by you. You offer a beautiful kind of love.
  2. You’re innovative, spontaneous and always fresh, which may make you particularly attractive. People often enjoy spending time with you.
  3. You’re intriguing, often captivating and compelling. People may often feel fascinated by you.
  4. You have a strong connection to nature, and you may be slightly given to telepathy. People are drawn to you in ways they can’t explain.
  5. Your mind is both your haven and your prison, but this makes you seem secretive, mysterious and irresistibly interesting. Your mind may be a beautiful place.

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section and have a great time discovering more and more about the darkest corners of your personality. I’m always happy to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in a comment, and don’t shy from making suggestions for further tests.

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What is your potential Superpower? – Test 1

Ever wondered what “superpower” you might be inclined to? We are all born with a special talent, and this is what inspired many of the Marvel superheroes – I’m sure you see my point. Humanity has always sensed – as well as yearned for – the potential behind its limitations, and has brought this to surface in mythologies and histories. While the personality tests on this blog keep it to the realm of reality, I do like to dare a glance beyond it once in a while. *Wink*

So here we go:

Please choose one of the following 5 possibilities fast!

  1. Smash
  2. Flash
  3. Pierce
  4. Storm
  5. Listen


You are inclined towards:

  1. Physical strength. You might be a good fighter, warrior or athlete.
  2. You may have the ability of doing things particularly fast.
  3. High intelligence. You can always rely on your mind.
  4. Control of the elements of nature. You may feel a great kinship with nature.
  5. Sensing people’s hearts and minds. You may have often experienced telepathy.


Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section and have a great time discovering more and more about the darkest corners of your personality. I’m always happy to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in a comment, and don’t shy from making suggestions for further tests.

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Positive Quotes – Which one lifts you up? The answer will reveal something vital about your personality.

Positive lines can do a whole lot to lift our spirits, to give us power to achieve high goals and break limits. The positive quotes that you feel inspire you most will tell a lot about you and your inner strengths, and will bring you a step closer to the deepest and darkest layers of your personality. Read the Positive Quotes below and decide which one has the strongest effect on you. Read the interpretations to find out what your choice says about you.

  1. Correction does much, but encouragement does more.
  2. Every day brings new choices.
  3. I often think that the night is more alive and more richly coloured than the day.
  4. You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.
  5. I am not embarrassed to tell you that I believe in miracles.


  1. You’re good at offering what you yourself need, and you may be great at discovering and nourishing the best in people. You’re innovative, and like to challenge tradition. A free spirit, and nonconformist.
  2. You’re positive and forceful by nature. You have a strong personality, get a lot done, you’re a person of action, decisions, of smiles and joy. People might be drawn to you.
  3. You’re wild and very hard to tame – if at all. You’re interested in people’s deepest secrets, and they may often feel they can’t hide anything from you. The opposite sex might often feel naked to your inner eye in some sense, which may result in inexplicable awkwardness.
  4. You often need to feel more cohesive, to align your mind to your soul, your thoughts to your spirit. In truth you do have a well-developed, well-contoured personality, and strong principles. You rarely change your mind.
  5. You’re the pure romantic, a dreamer, and you’re capable of making other people feel they can fly. You retain hope in any situation, but you do feel completely down once in a while. You have a rich inner life. Art and fantasy feed your spirit. You may be a good teacher or artist.

Enjoyed this? Plenty more where it came from. Check out the Personality Tests section and have a great time discovering more and more about the darkest corners of your personality. I’m always happy to hear from you! Leave your thoughts in a comment, and don’t shy from making suggestions for further tests.


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Personality test – What do your Success Quotes say about you?

Your favourite success quote may just tell you what your sub- und unconscious settings are towards success, and therefore whether you will achieve it and how. Please read the quotes below and, staying completely true to yourself, choose the one you favour most. It will have something to reveal about you.

  1. “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day.” Jim Rohn
  2. “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” Stephen Hawking
  3. “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.” Franklin D. Roosevelt
  4. “Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom.” George S. Patton
  5. All you need in life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” Mark Twain


  1. You’re hardworking, ambitious and calculating, these are your major strengths. You strongly believe – and you’re most probably perfectly right – that any person can achieve anything they set their mind to by means of hard work and discipline.
  2. You believe in talent, and you most probably have a lot of it. You feel a great need to discover what’s unique about yourself – or already have – and you believe we should all build on that unique something that only we, each of us, possess in order to fulfil our meaning in the world.
  3. You’re both ambitious and creative, but also innovative and original, these are your major strengths. You seldom go by the rules, but you also have principles. An electrifying personality, bold and interesting, you get a lot of attention if you unchain yourself.
  4. Endurance, persistence and tenacity are your major strengths. You’re a fighter, and you can put up with quite a lot. One of your characteristics that might surprise even you is your great capacity for tolerance. You’re patient with people, and you understand them on a deep level.
  5. You may be an intellectual, since you sub- or unconsciously believe success – at least in the material world – is for the fool or the stupid. You may be spiritual, and you may have a sixth sense that allows you to feel the world at its deeper vibrations.


Enjoyed this? Please share your thoughts in a comment and, why not, share this personality test with your friends. Feel free to roam the site for more personality tests here, and stay tuned for more to come : )

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What do your Zen Proverbs say about you?

This is a sensitive and special one. Today we have a bigger selection of quotes, so that everyone gets a better chance of finding one that they feel suits them almost perfectly. I’d gladly like to read your choice in a comment so that I can respond with a few traits that your choice reveals about you.

  1. “Wherever you are, be there totally.”
  2. “If you want to change the world, start with the next person who comes to you in need.”
  3. “Nothing ever exists entirely alone. Everything is in relation to everything else.”
  4. “The menu is not the meal.”
  5. “Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.”
  6. “When an ordinary man attains knowledge, he is a sage; when a sage attains understanding, he is an ordinary man.”
  7. “Let your mind wander in the pure and simple. Be one with the infinite. Let all things take their course.”
  8. “When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.”
  9. “People living deeply have no fear of death.”
  10. “We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us.”
  11. “The obstacle is the path.”
  12. “Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”
  13. “Sometimes, simply by sitting, the soul collects wisdom.”
  14. “There is more to life than increasing its speed.”
  15. “Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax.”
  16. “The only Zen you find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there.”
  17. “Power over others is weakness disguised as strength. True power is within and available to you now.”
  18. “There is no mistake in nature.”
  19. “No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.”
  20. “The sound of rain needs no translation.”

I’m looking forward to your comments and what they reveal about your personality : )


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What does Sigmund Freud say about you?

Last week we looked at what Carl Jung has to say about you, but what about the father of psychoanalysis, the famous and infamous Sigmund Freud? Just read the quotes below, and decide which one suits your view of the world best. Your decision will reveal something about you.

  1. „Time spent with cats is never wasted.“
  2. “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
  3. “Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.”
  4. “The mind is like an iceberg. It floats with one-seventh of its bulk above the water.”
  5. “If youth knew; if age could.”

Interpretations. Keywords about you:

  1. Cunning; needs healing; rarely changes mind.
  2. Straightforward; despises overthinking; goal oriented.
  3. Strong; reliable; maybe overburdened.
  4. Profound; maybe intellectual; enjoys contemplation.
  5. Wise; strategic; resilient; grounded.

I’m looking forward to your comments, in order to discover a little bit of something more about you. Share it with your friends, and let them take the test as well. Maybe you’d like to compare choices with your love interest or closest friend?

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What does Carl Jung say about you?

Carl Jung was one of the most remarkable psychologists and psychiatrists of all times. Known as the father of analytical psychology, he went to med school in order to understand human nature better. Here are some of his wise teachings – which one resonates with you best?

  1. “Don’t keep around yourself the people who don’t want to be there, because there will be no room left for those who truly want to know you.”
  2. “Things you resist will persist.”
  3. “Depression is like a lady in black. If she comes to you, don’t send her away. Invite her to take a seat and listen to what she has to say.”
  4. “Where love reigns there’s no desire for power. Where power reigns, there’s no desire for love.”
  5. “Show me a sane man, and I’ll cure him.”

I’m looking forward to your comments, in order to discover a little bit of something more about you. Enjoyed this? Share it with your friends and let them have a piece of it J


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The last number of your Birth Year tells you the purpose of your life

They say the last number of your birth year is especially important. It favors one of the basic elements of Feng Shui that defines your destiny.

The five basic elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water – tell us a lot about ourselves and the ultimate purpose of our individual lives. Astrologers think these elements have a strong influence on people’s character and the turns of their destinies. They determine the mental organization, habits and personal preferences.

What’s your birth year? The last number reveals something about you.

If the last number of the year is:

0 or 1, your element is Metal

2 or 3, your element is Water

4 or 5, your element is Wood

6 or 7, your element is Fire

8 or 9, your element is Earth


  1. METAL

You always help people and take care of your loved ones, but you never ask for help yourself. This kind of independent behavior makes your entourage respect you. You hate it whenever someone tries to nose in on your life or gives you unrequested advice.

Professionally, you’re ambitious and lucky in business. You desire and relish in a prosperous life. Paradoxically, even though you enjoy attention and the limelight, you also want to be left alone. It’s not a good idea for anyone to challenge you, because you’ll defeat them.

One of your weaknesses is a way too sharp sense of criticism, which can cause you trouble in relationship with other people. You ask too much of yourself and of your loved ones.

  1. WATER

You’re generally well-liked, and many would think you’re a nice person. You’re capable of using other people in very practical ways in order to reach your goals. You act with the fluidity of a river, making a mark on your surroundings with your inner strength and charming calm. You easily win people’s affection, which makes them willing to follow you.

You make people feel special by appreciating their unique talents, which is why you can work so well with people and do good business.

Your weakness is that you always try to make people like you, which may drive you to go to great lengths and even alter your personality. This can cause you to become indecisive, passive and depressed.

  1. WOOD

This is the symbol of growth and progress. As the time passes you become richer in experience and knowledge, and therefore more valuable like an old wine. Dynamic and active, you socialize easily, and you maintain a positive attitude toward life’s challenges.

Professionally, you’re a great organizer, and you can make plans on large scale. You’re capable of making good decisions because you care about the people you work with. People trust you. Your open mind and compassion make you an excellent friend and colleague.

You’re always looking for opportunities for growth and renewal. You understand and value people’s potential. You’re often overprotective towards your loved ones. To you, marriage and family matter greatly.

Your weakness is that you work excessively, but you’re still inclined to let others lead you. You need to become bolder, express yourself and show your worth.

  1. FIRE

This is the symbol of passion and action, fast movement, activity. You’re an enterprising person, adventurous, restless, competitive, strong. You like to laugh and look at life with optimism. Enthusiastic.

You may conquer many hearts thanks to your seductive and affectionate style. You live great passions.

Professionally, you possess leadership qualities, and you’re result-oriented. You’re impulsive and impatient.

People are attracted to you in a magnetic way, and you guide them through experiences that make their adrenaline surge. Your mind is always working, and you always have new ideas and intelligent solutions.

Your weakness is that you easily become stressed out, and you have low tolerance of frustration. You’re impatient, you want it all here and now, and you can easily fly in a rage if your needs aren’t met.

  1. EARTH

This is the symbol of stability, safety and trust. You’re a wise and patient person, perfectionist, prudent. A responsible character, you’re given to self-sacrifice in favor of other people.

In you people find great counsel and a haven because you have a serene perspective on things. Share your wisdom with others, and teach them to achieve the mental tranquility that you possess.

What leads you is logic, which reins over feelings in your case, and you plan your life in as much detail as possible. You don’t like surprises, and you desire full control over your destiny. Your calm and reserved demeanor make you attractive to the opposite sex.

Your weakness is that you don’t trust your intuition, and you question the possibility of making your dreams come true. You’re way too reliant on your logic, dependent on controlling all life situations, too afraid of the unknown and losing control. Try to get rid of the blockages in your mind.


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